Our Motto: Towards Maturity in Christ (Eph 4.13)


LESSON SCRIPTURE: Psalm 34:1-10; Hebrews 2:17-18
DATE: MAY 22,2022


This Psalm is also one attributed to King David which has an instructional function to teach about the cry for help and the thankful praise for when help comes. The text is reference to 1 Samuel 21:13 in which David flew from Saul to the land of Abimelech. He pretends to be mad so that the King will not see him as a threat and eventually escapes home. The second text used in today’s lesson is the book of Hebrews written to the early church. The two verses stated how Jesus came to earth to be human as the high priest and connect humanity to the triune God. Jesus is seen as a gift, one that reconciles humanity to God. This should prompt believers to rejoice in our restoration and reconciliation.t


Psalm 34 focuses on God’s desire and ability to provide for those in need. David experienced this reality and eagerly invited his followers to trust the Lord in likewise fashion. For food lovers, the Psalm is a big hit. To ‘taste’ and see that the Lord is good sounds like a wonderful dish full of flavor and fulfilling. We all have our favourite things that give us joy- our families, friends, jobs, hobbies, and even food that give us pleasures as satisfaction. We know they are good things because we experience the joy they bring us. For Christianity, the greatest gift that we taste and receive is the restoration/reconciliation and healing that God offers us through Jesus Christ. Even though we have those other things that give us pleasure or security, the more transformative gift come from Jesus. Often those other things give momentary pleasure something fleeting.


1. What qualified Jesus to be the perfect High Priest to mediate between humanity and God? Why is Jesus a compassionate Saviour?
2. Discuss the connection between Psalm 34 and Hebrew 2:17-18.
3. What life lessons have you learned about God’s provision?
4. What practical step would help church members to exalt God’s name together?

Points to Note from the Lesson
* Believers should focus on God’s desire and ability to provide for our needs.
* God is well able to deliver us from the evil that surrounds us and the evil that lies within us.
* Believers should strive to exalt God at all times – even the worst of times.
* Believers should know that though sin separates us from God, Jesus through His atonement has reconciled. us with God by taking the punishment for our sins upon himself on the cross.

Memory Verse:

Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. (Psalm 34:8).