Our Motto: Towards Maturity in Christ (Eph 4.13)


LESSON SCRIPTURE: Matthew 12:1-14
DATE: MAY 29,2022


The scriptures in Mathew 12:1-14 portray Jesus dealing with a controversy concerning what He and His disciples were doing on the Sabbath. Work on the Sabbath was defined and forbidden and among them were reaping, winnowing and threshing preparing a meal. However Jesus quoted 1 Samuel 21:1-6 and Hosea 6:6 to answer the criticism. The claims of human need should take precedence over any ritual custom. Jesus insisted that the greatest ritual service is the service of human needs, showing mercy and kindness which is better than any sacrifice.


A. The Sabbath Laws (Matthew 12:1-8)
The lesson’s writer reminds us that the Biblical culture in Jesus time was that working on the Sabbath was strictly forbidden and it is the same for the Jewish practice today and defying this law was a violation of the sacred Sabbath law. “Observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy (Exo 20:8). Hence the Pharisees accused Jesus of His disciple violating the law of the Sabbath by plucking and eating grain. Jesus in response quoted 1 Samuel 21:1-6.


1. Do you see Sabbath law violation today or did you believe the Sabbath law is relevant today? What is the Sabbath law and what shall you not do on the Sabbath? Why is Christ Lord of the Sabbath?

B. Justice (Matthew 12:9-14)
The Pharisees’ accusatory drama continues as they confront Jesus about healing the man with the withered hand on the Sabbath and accused Him of violating the law. However, Jesus counters their question with the scenario of the troubled sheep making the point that they (Pharisees) would show mercy and would rescue the sheep on the Sabbath. Regardless of their intentions, Jesus makes clearly the point that it is right to do good (Justice) on the Sabbath. Biblical reference to the word justice means to make right, learn to do good. As God is just and loving, so we are called to do justice and live in Him.


1. As Christians, how would you respond to accusations when doing Kingdom work or in other life works?
2. Why did Jesus emphasize that showing mercy and ministering to the needs of others is more important than rigidly following rules of worship or even observing the Lord’s Day? What will be the impact?

Points to Note from the Lesson
* Believers’ should know that human needs will occasionally supersede the Sabbath law or other ritual laws.
* Christians should not compromise the truth but learn to speak the truth to those in power and authority and expose unethical and unjust behaviour.
* Believers should avoid legalism- legalism is not simply keeping law, but is a self-righteousness attitude.

Memory Verse:

If you had known what these words mean, `I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent. (Matthew 12:7).