OUR SAVIOUR'S CHAPEL,DELSU,ABRAKA Our Motto: Towards Maturity in Christ (Eph 4.13)


There is no organisation secular or spiritual that has no history. This is true of Our Saviour’s Chapel which was founded by the very Rev’d. Dr. Emmanuel O. Okolugbo at about 1977. He was a vibrant and charismatic Priest and lecturer of College of Education Abraka. As an Anglican priest, rather than attaching himself to St. Philip’s Anglican Church, Abraka which is close enough to the College, he felt the need to create a separate fellowship centre that can take care of the spiritual needs of staff and students of the College. He may have been influenced by his experiences in Immanuel College of Theology and University of Ibadan, institutions where Chapel was in existence. In addition, it was said that the very Rev’d. Dr. E. O. Okolugbo, while working in Benin co-founded the All Saints Chapel in the University of Benin. He therefore established a worship centre which he called “Ecumenical Worship Centre” inside College of Education Abraka.


The Church had its initial teething problems of recognition and autonomy. The founder, Rev. Dr. E. Okolugbo, was an ordained Anglican Priest who should work for the Anglican Communion with Anglican faith. So it was not easy for the Church/Chapel to be recognized in a community where an Anglican church was in existence. Members of the Anglican Communion in the community saw it as a rival church and so made every effort to see that it did not come into existence, but the founder persisted and eventually succeeded. The Venerable Dr. E. Okolugbo was the Vicar while Rev’d. Nathaniel Enuku was the Chaplain. In 1993, Venerable Dr. Emmanuel Okolugbo was appointed as the Provost of the Anglican Cathedral at Asaba. As a result of this appointment, the onus of OSC church activities became heavily vested on Rt. Rev’d. J. U. Aruakpor. A major challenge that confronted OSC then was the lack of a worship centre owned by OSC. Hence prayer were always said on this issue.


The worship venue started in a lecture or class room, with the Founder, his wife, children and few students as members. Later, few adults and families like the Offeh’s, Musa’s, Osazuma’s joined the members of the Chapel. This was for a brief period as the College authority frowned at the use of classrooms for religious activities. The authority asked the Founder to look for an alternative venue. The most favourable and free place then was the Atscan Hall. The Roman Catholic Church, having the same problem, also chose the Atscan Hall for their meetings. It was with Christian maturity that the leadership of both Churches peacefully agreed to use the venue. The Roman Catholics used it from 6am to l0am and the Ecumenical Chapel from 10am to 12 noon or more every Sunday morning. Initially, there was order, but along the line, the Roman Catholics started, for reasons best known to them, spending more time than usual, thus making it difficult for the Ecumenical Chapel to worship when they should. In order to avoid unhealthy conflicts, the Ecumenical Chapel had to move to the Arts Auditorium but again they had problems with the students’ fellowships who chose it as their worship venue. When the students’ disturbances became unbelievable, the Chapel again moved to Science Auditorium. This was the last worship venue before the Chapel building was erected.


With the growth in population and people of divers denomination joining as members, the need to change the name from Ecumenical to a name that is all embracing arose. A call was made to all members to suggest a name. Thus, the name Our Saviour’s Chapel, among others was accepted and approved


By 1982, under Dr. Gabriel K. Oyiana, who was the Provost of the College of Education, the founder applied for a space to build where they could worship without interruption. To grant the request was difficult. This was because their sister-church, the Roman Catholics were not ready to build and as such were not ready to join in the request. There was thus a conflict of interests. When eventually a space was approved for both churches, there came a problem of sharing the allotted space. This slowed down the pace of the development. When Prof. G. E. A. Osamekhian took over from Dr. G. K. Oyiana as the Provost of the College, he struggle continued but success was not attained. The struggle further continued till the year 1992 when the institution was upgraded to a University status and Prof. F. M. A. Ukoli appointed as the first Vice-chancellor. His administration gave the Church a space but with strings attached; that a road be constructed to link the street that leads to Bauchi Close Site 2 the main street that comes from the University library, thereby condemning the curved road. The Roman Catholics were to take where the Chapel is now sited and the Our Saviour’s Chapel to take from the drainage to the fence. However, as the Chapel commenced the building, the then Vice-chancellor (Prof. F. M. A. Ukoli) said it could not start until the road was constructed. He asked the then director of works, Late Eng. Agbaire, to estimate the cost of construction. The cost estimate given by the then director of works was so high that the University said there was no money for the construction. The Chapel building was then put on hold, but God had His plan for the building as Prof. F. M. A. Ukoli was eventually removed as the Vice-chancellor and Prof. P. O. Sada was appointed in his place. The plea for space continued with Prof. P. O. Sada who fortunately was a member of Our Saviour’s Chapel. It was in his tenure as VC. that a plot for the building was approved. He instructed the then director of works to divide the area into two parts between the Roman Catholic and Our Saviour’s Chapel. The director of works with Mr. Agoro shared the area into two, using the Head of State General Ibrahim Babangida Commissioning podium as the land mark demarcating the two plots.


Having been allocated a space, Architect Umunadi was contacted to design a structure for the Chapel. In December 1996 the foundation of the Chapel was laid by the late Rt. Rev. N. Enuku who was the Bishop of Warri Diocese, under the pastoral guidance of Rev. B. Oladosun who was the Chaplain of Our Saviour’s Chapel and under his tenure, the Chapel ran two services; 6am to 8am and 8:30am to 1030am; Dr. T. J. J. Okpidi was the them Chairman of Council and Prof. E. A. Arubayi as the Chairman of the Building Committee, assisted by Mr. E. A. Offeh.


The Chapel’s logo; a dove carrying the heart, was designed by Rt. Rev. J. U. Aruakpor when he was the chaplain. The dove represents the Holy Spirit carrying our hearts to God. THE MOTTO: “Towards maturity in Christ” led by the Holy Spirit, was accepted by Council.


When Rev’d. Biodu Oladosu became the Chaplain in 1997, he saw the need for the Chapel to have a common family song. He then composed and taught Our Saviour’s Chapel Members the family song:
I love this family of God,
So closely knitted into one,
They have taken me into their midst
and I am so glad to be,
a part of this great family.

This song is still being sung at the close of every service.


As the Chapel grew, there arose the need to put in place, an administrative structure as follows:
1. The Council which is made up of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Financial Secretary and Treasurer. They were to take care of the day to day administration of Chapel.
2. The Chaplaincy which is made up of the Chaplain and the Assistant Chaplain or Chaplain Assistant and other accredited ministers in the Chapel. They are to take care of all spiritual matters in the Chapel.
3. The Wings: Such as Men’s Fellowship, Women’s Fellowship, Youth Fellowship and the Children Department.
4. Units: Unit comprising of Adult Sunday School, Children Sunday School, Prayer Band, Ushering Team, the Choir, Evangelism, Counselling Team, Follow Up Team, Deliverance Team, Technical Crew, Decoration Team and the Sanctuary Keepers, Drama Units and the
5. Chapel committees such as Marriage, Welfare and Building.


1. Dr. T. J. I. Okpidi - 1995 - 1999
Dr. T. J. I. Okpidi became the first elected lay Chairman of Council following the exit of the founder and his assistant. Mr. E. A. Offeh was the secretary to Council and Prof. (Mrs.) R. N. Okoh and treasurer. The Council, under the chairmanship of Dr. T. J. I. Okpidi witnessed the following achievements:
• Foundation laying of the Chapel on Saturday December 1996
• Production of the first working constitution of the Chapel
. • Movement of worship venue from Science Auditorium to the present place of worship
• Witnessed the first wedding ceremony as Our Saviour’s Chapel on February 19, 1994 presided over by the Ven. J. U. Aruakpor, Chaplain.
• Children section was established and led by Prof. (Mrs.) D. Arubayi.

2. Prof. P. N. Okoh - 1999 – 2003
Prof. P. N. Okoh assumed the Chairmanship position of the Council at the expiration of Dr. T. J. I. Okpidi’s tenure. He was closely assisted by Prof. (Mrs.) D. Arubayi as Vice Chairman, Mr. O. F. Okolugbo as Secretary and Dr. (Mrs.) O. Peretomode as treasurer. The tenure witnessed the following achievements:
• Commencement of the Chapel building.
• Training of children workers in collaboration with Children Evangelism Ministry (CEM) Warri.
• Established the Prayer Band Unit which was headed by Prof. P. N. Okoh in his residence.
• Acquired a plot for the Chaplaincy.

3. Prof. S. C. Ukala - 2003 – 2007
Prof. S. C. Ukala took over as the Chairman of Council from Prof. P. N. Okoh and was closely assisted by Prof. (Mrs.) D. Arubayi as the Vice Chairman and Late Prof. R. O. Olomo as the secretary. The tenure witnessed the following achievements: • Continued the building of the Chapel, roofed the veranda.
• Floored the Church with terrazzo.
• Tilled the altar with marble.
• Ceiled the church acoustic ceiling sheet.
• Acquired a land in Site III
• Laid the foundation of the Chaplaincy on the 12th of January 2006 by Prof. J. Enaowho the then Vice Chancellor of DELSU.
• Commencement of the building of Chaplaincy.
• Procurement of a leister generator donated by Prof. V. F. Peretomode and Prof. S. C. Okala as a thanksgiving item for their appointment as provost.
• Received the first Chapel Bus, a donation from Prof. V. F. Peretomode’s family.
• Provision of kneelers for Communion.

4. Prof. V. F. Peretomode - 2007 – 2011
Prof. V. F. Peretomode took over as Chairman of Council at the end of Prof. S. C. Ukala’s tenure. He worked closely with Mrs. V. Osazuwa as Vice Chairman. Rev’d. U. N. O. Edewor and Dr. Israel Okoro as secretaries.
The tenure witnessed the following achievements:
• Procurement of the first official car for the Chaplain and second Gospel bus for the Chapel.
• Production of the Chapel 2nd working constitution.
• Scholarship to indigent worshippers in the Chapel.
• Completion of the building of chaplaincy and furnishing.
• Built the Chapel extension which was commissioned by Prof. E. A. Arubayi the then Vice Chancellor of DELSU on the 11th of September, 2011.
• Furnished the Chapel’s extension.
• Installation of ICT equipments in the Chapel.

5. Prof. R. Olomo (Late) - 2011- 2015
Late Prof. R. O. Olomo took over chairmanship from Prof. V. F. Peretomode and was closely assisted by Mrs. F. Akiri as Vice Chairman and Rev’d. Dr. O. E. Oyovwi as secretary. The tenure witnessed the following achievements:
• Procurement of a new Gospel Van (the third Gospel Van) and 2nd official car for the present Chaplain.
• Procurement of sound proof generator.
• Procurement of air-conditioners for the Chapel.

6. Prof. A. C. Egun - 2015 -2019
Prof. A. C. Egun came in as the Chairman of Council at the end of Prof. R. O. Olomo’s tenure. He is closely assisted by Mrs. E. Erusiafe as Vice Chairman and Mr. E. A Owhorho as secretary. Achievements:
•Empowerment, training of members in skill acquisition and provision of starter packs for both new recruits and those that have already acquired skills in fashion designing, photography, poultry farming, business, catering, graphics and web design.
•The purchase and installation of televisions strategically located that irrespective of where you are seated in the Chapel, a clear view is given of what is happening at the altar and its immediate vicinity.
• Upgrade of the musical equipment and its accommodation that it is no longer an all-comers affair.
•Lightning/thunder arrester was acquired and installed in the Chapel building.
• The complete tiling of the entire front of the Chapel Building.
• Review and Amendment of the Chapel Constitution.
• Purchase and installation of 100KVA generator.
• Dedication of the Chapel building.
• Recruitment and induction of Rev. Dr. F.A.R Ejobee, the Chaplain.

7. Pst. Prof.E.Osakwe - 2019 till date
Pst. Prof.E.Osakwe came in as the Chairman of Council at the end of Prof. A. C. Egun tenure.
He is closely assisted by Mrs. E. Etobro as Vice Chairman and Mr. Solomon Efi as secretary. Achievements are on-going.


Our Saviour’s Chapel, from inception to the present has witnessed the ministries of several spiritual heads. The past and present Chaplain’s and their achievements are:

1. The Very Rev’d. Dr. Emmanuel O. Okologbo (1977 - 1993)
The very Rev’d. Dr. E. O. Okolugbo (Late) was the founder of Our Saviour’s Chapel. From about 1977 to 1993, he assumed the position of founder and Vicar. He led the Chapel through thick and thin until 1993 when he was appointed Provost of All Saints Cathedral, Asaba by the Rt. Rev’d. Dr. R. N. C. Nwosu (Late). He was Provost of the Diocese of Asaba till his death in 2001.

2. Rt. Rev’d. Dr. Nathaniel Enuku (then Reverend)
Upon his arrival as a Lecturer in the then College of Education, Abraka, Rev’d. Nathaniel Enuku joined Our Saviour’s Chapel. During his stay, he acted as the Chaplain to the founder. He worked effectively with his Vicar Ven. Dr. E. O. Okolugbo till 1993 when Ven. Dr. E. Okolugbo became Provost of Asaba Diocese. Shortly after the exit of Ven. Dr. E. Okolugbo, himself was elected Bishop of Warri, which also marked his exit from Our Savour’s Chapel.

Rt. Rev’d. John U. Aruakpor (then Reverend) (October 1993 - 1997)
t. Rev’d. J. U. Aruakpor, now Bishop of Anglican Diocese of Oleh was an undergraduate in Delta State University and joined Our Saviour’s Chapel. Before his admission, he was an ordained Anglican Priest of Warri Diocese. He worked closely also with Ven. Dr. E. O. Okolugbo. No wonder, at the exit of both Vicar and Chaplain, the Vicar recommended him to be appointed the Chaplain of the Chapel which was graciously granted by the Bishop of Warri.
The following achievements among others are attributed to his tenure.
• The Chapel had the first lay Chairman of Council, Dr. JIF. Okpidi.
• He celebrated the first wedding under the name, Our Saviour’s Chapel.
• He started the Prayer Band with Prof. P. N Okoh as the pioneer leader.
• He encouraged youth choir etc.
At the completion of his studies, Rev’d. J. U. Aruakpor was withdrawn from the Chapel by his Bishop. However, there was a concerted effort by the Chapel to retain him but his Bishop insisted that he should return back.

4. Ven. Biodun Oladosu (1997 - 2001)
Following the withdrawal of then Rev’d. J. U. Arukapor the Rev’d. Biodun Oladosu became the next Chaplain and served between 1997 and August 2011. The following are some of his achievements.
• The Chapel foundation was laid in his time.
• The Chapel moved from Science Auditorium to the Present place.
• Composed and introduced the family song.
• The Chapel ran two sessions every Sunday.
• He started the children choir that became vibrant and famous.
• Organised Solemn Assembly for the University community that witnessed the conversion of many student cultists.

5. Rev’d. R. O. D. Oziwele (now Venerable) (2001 - 2003)
Following the sudden exit of Ven. Biodun Oladosu, the office of the Chaplain again became vacant. This time, Rev’d. R. O. D. Oziwele was an undergraduate and a Priest of the Anglican Church. By the permission of his Bishop, he became the next Chaplain (though in acting capacity). He did his best and the Chapel made effort to retain him but his Bishop asked for his return.

6. Rev’d. Dr. Abraham A. Adams (April 2003 – April 2014)
After the exit of Rev’d. R. O. D. Oziwele, there was a widely published advert for the position of Chaplain by the Council. Rev’d. Dr. A. A. Adams, having succeeded in the interview was appointed the next Chaplain. Before his arrival he has served as a Priest in the Nigerian Army Chaplaincy. He was an Army Officer until his voluntary disengagement to do the work of God, full-time. Rev’d. Dr. A. A. Adams became the first non-Anglican Priest to be appointed Chaplain of Our Saviour’s Interdenominational Chapel. He served the Chapel from April 2004 to April 2014, making the longest served Chaplain besides the founder. He arrived when the Chapel have moved to the present place of worship. His tenure among others witnessed the followings:
• He raised and through the Chapel trained some Priest who served with him. They include Rev’d. Dr. U. L. Ezenwani, who have worked closely with past Chaplain’s and served in various positions in the Chapel. Others are Rev’d. Dr. U. N. O. Edewor, Rev’d. Solomon Akwue, Rev’d. Dr. O. E. Oyovwi, Pst. Joseph Ayowa, Evang. John Agbata, Pst. Flourish Ameye, Pst. Joseph Omosor etc.
• His office moved from the Vestry to the present office.
• The first official car was purchased during his Chaplaincy.
• First Chaplain to live in the Chaplaincy.
Rev’d. Dr. A. A. Adams left the Chapel in April 2014 following his election as General Overseer of his denomination, Christian Evangelical Fellowship of Nigeria (CEFN) with headquarters at Ayimgba, Kogi State.

7. Rev’d. Dr. O. E. Oyovwi (Acting)(May – November 2014)
Following the elevation and send-off of the Rev’d. Dr. A. A. Adams, the position of Chaplain again became vacant. To allow for the search of a replacement and setting other things in place, the Council appointed Rev’d. Dr. O. E. Oyovwi to act as Chaplain pending when a substantive is engaged. At this time, Rev’d. Dr. O. E. Oyovwi was the Secretary of Council at the same time a University lecturer. To combine these duties were not an easy task. Within the period of his Chaplaincy, he was equal to the task. He served the Chapel meritoriously until December 2014 when the substantive Chaplain took over.

8. Ven. Obed U. Chukwuka (December 2014 - Janaury 2019)
The Rev’d. Canon Obed U. Chukwuka and his family were received in the Chapel Sunday December 1, 2014. After one month of orientation, he assumed fill duty on January 1, 2015. He initiated the writing of the history of the Chapel and its dedication.

9. Rev’d. Dr. O. E. Oyovwi (Acting) (Janaury 2019 – October 2019)
Following the elevation and send-off of the Ven. Obed U. Chukwuka, the position of Chaplain again became vacant. To allow for the search of a replacement and setting other things in place, the Council appointed Rev’d. Dr. O. E. Oyovwi to act as Chaplain pending when a substantive is engaged.

10. Rev'd Dr. F.A.R. Ejobee (October 2019 - till Date)


In pursuance and realization of its motto, “towards maturity in Christ” the chapel made up of mostly student youths, has led many. To believe and became born again. It has also fostered the growth of many clergymen
1. Ven. E. Okolugbo Late - was a Rev, became a Ven. and provost.
2. Rt. Rev’d. N. Enuku Late - was a lecturer, then priested and became a Bishop
3. Rt. Rev’d. Ideh - was a student now Bishop of Warri Diocese, Anglican Communion.
4. Rt. Rev’d. J. U. Aruakpor (1993 - 1997) – a student, priested, now a Bishop of Oleh Diocese
5. Rev’d. Dr. A. A. Adams (2002 – 2014) - now a General Overseer of Christian Enangelical Fellowship of Nigeria (CEFN)
6. Ven. Emebeyo - was a student, a pastor, now a Venerable.
7. Rev’d. Solomon Akuwe a student, priested now in South Africa.
8. Pastor Flourish A. – A student, now an ordained Pastor.
9. Pst. Timothy Agada – Student now pastor.
10. Late Rev’d. Dr. U. L. Ezeaweani – Lecturer, later ordained a priest
11. Evang. John Agbata – a student member now an Evangelist with Ang. Communion.
All the aforementioned clergy men played vital role in the spiritual upliftment of the Chapel through inspirational programmes that added to numerical growth of the Chapel. In addition to the above, the Chapel has produced three Vice Chancellors namely Prof. P. O. Sada, Prof. E. A. Arubayi and Prof. V. F. Peretomode and a sole administrator Prof. Abednego Ekoko.

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