OUR SAVIOUR'S CHAPEL,DELSU,ABRAKA Our Motto: Towards Maturity in Christ (Eph 4.13)

DATE: MARCH 5, 2023


DEVOTIONAL READING: Ezra 1:2; 2:64-70

LESSON SCRIPTURE: Ezra 1:1-8, 11:2


Resources are needed for any building project. We cannot talk about building the house for or of our God in the absence of resources. Even though the church is in dire need of resources, we cannot be unmindful of the source. From our text, we saw how God prompted King Cyrus for the rebuild of the temple in Jerusalem.


A. King Cyrus’ Proclamation (Ezra 1:1-8)

King Cyrus of Persia occupied the city of Babylon and began to reign as the emperor. Though a pagan king, he was known for his liberality. He tolerated the exiles and permitted them to continue with their customs and traditions in his domain. In the first year of his reign, God prompted him to make a decree in writing and proclaim it throughout his empire. (Ezra 1:2). Consequently, he commended the exiles to go to Jerusalem in Judah and rebuild the temple for the Lord.


•Should Christians invite unbelievers to finance church projects? If yes Why?

•Discuss the best ways to raise money for church projects.

B. The People’s Freewill Offering (Ezra 2:64-70)

The first group of Jewish exiles returned from Babylon to Jerusalem at the order of King Cyrus after about fifty years. The passage has explained that one of the best ways to finance God’s project is through freewill offering/donations. Rather than coerce people or invite unbelievers to finance God’s work, we should embark on God’s given projects with faith that He is able to move the hearts of people to give according to their ability. The case of King Cyrus who was given the responsibility of building a temple for the Lord in Jerusalem was an exceptional case.


• Discuss the advantages of adopting the method of freewill giving in carryout massive church projects.

• What are some ungodly ways churches raise money for major projects today? Does it have any implication based on today’s lesson?

Points to Note from the Lesson

• When God gives a vision to build, He will also provide means of financing the project.

• The idea of asking some rich individuals, especially unbelievers to support church projects should be discouraged.

Memory Verse:

“When they arrived at the house of the Lord in Jerusalem, some of the heads of the families gave freewill offerings towards the rebuilding of the house of God on its site.” Ezra 2:68.

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