OUR SAVIOUR'S CHAPEL,DELSU,ABRAKA Our Motto: Towards Maturity in Christ (Eph 4.13)

DATE: JANUARY 15, 2023



LESSON SCRIPTURE: Exodus 23:1-12


The society we live in is characterized by all kinds of vices. Little or no attention is given to God’s commandments and warning against oppression, bribery, unfairness, favouritism, etc. The poor, widows and orphans are oppressed and cheated. Unfortunately, they cannot go to court because they do not have the where withal to engage the service of a legal practitioner. Even those who do so do not get fair judgement. Judges are blinded by financial gains, popularity and possibly the authority they have while in power. Today’s lesson emphasizes God’s standard of fairness and justice among His people, Israel and by extension, all Christians.


A. A. God’s Command to Practice Justice (Exodus 23:1-9).

In Mathew 5:44, Jesus teaches that we should practice justice and show mercy by loving our enemies and praying for those who persecute us. Unfortunately, today, some people conspire to treat others unjustly. They oppress the vulnerable and deny them justice in the law court. Even some Christians give and accept bribe, despite the consequences. More importantly, the Israelite were expected to deal justly with those who were not descendants of Abraham but lived among them (the aliens). Believers should endeavour to obey God and practice sacrificial love towards everyone, even their enemies. This is one of the ways to prove that we are Jesus disciples.


• What are the dangers of following the crowd to commit evil?

B. The Command to Rest (Exodus 23:10-12)

The passage emphasizes the importance of keeping both the Sabbath day and year holy. The commandment is still relevant to believers, especially as it has to do with rest from constant labour. Jesus made it clear in the gospel of Mark that the purpose of the Sabbath was not to put a burden on people but to relieve them of constant work (Mark 2:27). The standard has been set, so Christians should endeavour to set aside time to rest from


• In what ways are Christians breaking the rule of keeping the Sabbath in our contemporary time? Discuss the best ways to actually rest.

Points to Note from the Lesson

• We should endeavour to obey God and practice sacrificial love towards everyone.

• God rested and we too should rest.

Memory Verse:

Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong when you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd, and do not show favouritism to a poor man in his lawsuit. Exodus 23:2-3.

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