OUR SAVIOUR'S CHAPEL,DELSU,ABRAKA Our Motto: Towards Maturity in Christ (Eph 4.13)

DATE: JULY 9, 2023





The whole world and everything in it were created by the word of God. Yet some people do not believe in the power of the world. Faith in the word is critical in the life of every believer. We must exhibit faith and believe in Jesus for us to be healed. Distance is not a barrier to our being healed. We can call upon Jesus from everywhere and anywhere we are and He will answer us and heal us provided we take a step of faith. Jesus demonstrates His power and authority over sicknesses and diseases through the Word.


A. Requesting for Healing (John 4:46-47)

Jesus was warmly welcomed in Galilee; the people having witnessed all that He did at the feast of Passover in Jerusalem. While in Cana in Galilee Jesus turned water into wine. Then in Capernaum, there was a Jewish officer whose son has been sick almost dead. The man heard about Jesus and all that He has done and believed. He had strong faith that Jesus was his last bus stop. He passionately begged Jesus to heal his son. He did not hesitate to come to Jesus with faith and boldness. Jesus healed the officer’s son because of his faith in Jesus power to heal all manner of sicknesses and diseases. John 4:50.


⦁ Discuss the things done by the Jewish officer that are worthy of emulation.

• What would they have done considering the distance between Cana of Galilee where Jesus was and Capernaum where the sick boy was?

B. The Healing of the Sick Boy (John 4:48-54)

The Jewish Officer was desperate that his son who was near death be healed. Jesus responded to him harshly thus “unless you see signs and wonders, you will not believe”-verse 48. The man did not argue with Jesus but continued to beg Him to heal his son. The man held tenaciously on Jesus. Jesus saw his faith and persistence and was moved with compassion and healed his son-verse 50. The word of God spoken with faith healed the sick boy. The man went home as commanded by Jesus without any iota of doubt that his son was healed.


• Verse 48; discuss the implication of the statement made by Jesus.

• Explain why some Christians find it difficult to believe the words of Jesus unlike the Jewish Officer.

Points to Note from the Lesson

• Believers should persevere amidst challenges and hold on to the word of God.

• We should never give up but keep pressing on for Jesus to help us when in trouble.

• Christians should continue to hold on to the efficacy of the word by believing it and declaring it when we are troubled.

Memory Verse:

“Then the Father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, “Your son will live”. So, he and his household believed.” John 4:53

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