OUR SAVIOUR'S CHAPEL,DELSU,ABRAKA Our Motto: Towards Maturity in Christ (Eph 4.13)

DATE: JULY 16, 2023



LESSON SCRIPTURE: John 12: 44-50


God revealed himself as Light in the person of Jesus Christ so that we do not remain in darkness forever. Jesus Christ came to us as the Light and has invited us to embrace light. He is the special gift God has given to us so that we do not remain captive in the darkness of sin.


A. Jesus: The Light of The World

Jesus Christ coming into the world is Light so that those who believe in Him may no longer live in darkness of sin and its power of sin. Jesus came to the world as our Saviour. He was born to bring God’s light into the dark world and gave His life so that everyone who receives Him would be forgiven of sin. Jesus wants believers to live as light as He has dispelled darkness. Jesus admonishes Christians to let their lights shine so that people will see their good works and glorify God who is in heaven. (Mathew 5: 16).


• What does darkness mean?

• How can a believer shine as light to the world as seen in Mathew 5:6?

B. God, The Ultimate Judge. (John 12:47 -50)

Jesus admonishes anyone who hears His words to believe as the words are from God the Father according to Verse 47. The saving mission of Jesus was seen in John 3:17 that says God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through Him. Everything that Jesus said and did was according to the command of God. Those who heard the message of Jesus and did not obey it will be judged by the ultimate judge who is God. The command of God leads to eternal life. God sees our daily lives and will judge us according to the things we do both in secret and in the open. To escape from the judgment of God is to believe in Jesus and His message of salvation.


• Why do some people reject the gospel message and possible ways to effectively respond to the reasons?

• How does the words of Jesus bring eternal life according to verse 50?

Points to Note from the Lesson

• Jesus is the Light that God brought to the world to dispel darkness of sin.

• We should believe in Jesus to have eternal life. Judgment awaits us if we do not believe in Jesus.

Memory Verse:

“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” John 12:46

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