OUR SAVIOUR'S CHAPEL,DELSU,ABRAKA Our Motto: Towards Maturity in Christ (Eph 4.13)

DATE: JANUARY 22, 2023



LESSON SCRIPTURE:Deuteronomy 16:18-20; 17:8-13


One of the challenges of the 21st century is leadership. Lack of effective and exemplary leadership is one of the problems of many African Nations including Nigeria. It is interesting to note that God is interested in good leadership (the way His people are governed). God was specific in Deuteronomy Chapter 16 when He commanded that incorruptible leaders like judges, officials and priests should be appointed their job descriptions were carefully spelt out, as they lead God’s people to occupy the promised land.


A.God’s Command to Appoint Credible Leaders (Deuteronomy 16:18-20)

The emphasis to be just and fair in handling judicial cases among the people of Israel was a condition to inherit and live in the land God had given to their fathers. God promised to punish anyone who does such wicked thing (Exodus 23:7). The instruction to not pervert justice or show favouritism is common in the scripture. James 2:4 also buttress the command not to show partiality. Showing favouritism violates the law of God regarding loving other people as much as we love ourselves.


•Discuss how godly leaders can be identified and chosen into offices.

•• Describe the nature of a society or organization where leaders pervert justice.

B. Refer Matters to Higher Officials and Penalty for Disobedience (Deut. 17:8-13)

The instructions God gave to the people of Israel through Moses were to be taken with all seriousness. Thus, God pronounced death penalty for those who will disobey. See verse 12. This implies that anyone who disobeys the orders of either the priest or judge who are God’s representatives in the administration of justice will be put to death. The death sentence is to serve as deterrent to erring Israelites. It will remove wickedness from among the people. Moreover, the people will fear God and keep His instructions.


• Why do Christians sometimes find it difficult to obey higher authorities?

•Consider the consequences of disobeying court orders and compare them with the consequences of disobeying God. What lessons should Christians learn from this?

Points to Note from the Lesson

•In a society where there is fairness and equity, there is bound to be peace and progress.

• We should make personal resolutions to be fair and just in all dealings.

Memory Verse:

“Appoint judges and officials for each of your tribes in every town the Lord your God is giving you, and they shall judge the people fairly.” (Deuteronomy 16:18.)

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