OUR SAVIOUR'S CHAPEL,DELSU,ABRAKA Our Motto: Towards Maturity in Christ (Eph 4.13)

DATE: JULY 30, 2023





Jesus Farewell Speech

Jesus knew about His departure from this world and so He prepared His disciples. In His caring and Fatherly nature, he taught His disciples the reasons why He must return to the Father. Jesus left the Holy Spirit (the Comforter) to be with His Disciples.to continue to guide and teach them all that he had taught them before. His unshaken and everlasting peace was assured through the Holy Spirit.


A. Assurance of the Holy Spirit (John 14: 15-18)

Jesus left the Holy Spirit to give sustainable peace to believers. He did not leave believers hopeless. Jesus taught His followers to obey His commandments in its’ entirety as a show of love for our Father (God). In this way, the helper (Holy Spirit) will abide with us forever. The helper (Holy Spirit) is our counselor, advocate or intercessor (1st John 2:1). The Holy Spirit represents Jesus who gives and teaches us and reveal things to us as we continue to proclaim the Gospel of salvation to the world.


• What was Jesus main assignment on earth?

• Why must Jesus depart from His Disciples and return to the Father?

• Verse 17 discuss the meaning and it can enhance the spread of the Gospel.

B. Jesus Announces His Departure (John 14:19-24)

Jesus announced His departure from this world to His disciples in a farewell message because of His relationship with them. He stressed the importance of obedience as a sign of their love for Him. Those who love Him must obey His commandments. Judas (not Iscariot) questioned Jesus because he was curious to know why Jesus will only reveal to His disciples and not to the whole world. Jesus can only reveal Himself to believers because they are receptive of the Good News. Jesus’ peace is unshakeable peace that would remain with His believers. Therefore, the disciples were encouraged not to be worried, upset or frightened when He left because He would come back. Jesus’ peace is unlike worldly peace.


• Give reasons why Jesus repeatedly promised His disciples that He would leave them and go to the Father and come back to them again

• Verse 27, in three ways differentiate between the peace of God and worldly peace.

Points to Note from the Lesson

• Jesus’ loves those who love Him and keep or obey His commandments.

• Jesus did not leave believers alone. He left His Holy Spirit to guide, counsel and help us forever.

• Believers should continue to study and abide by the word of God as this is the only source of unshakeable peace.

Memory Verse:

“And I will ask the Father and He will give you another counselor to be with you forever.” John 14:16

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