OUR SAVIOUR'S CHAPEL,DELSU,ABRAKA Our Motto: Towards Maturity in Christ (Eph 4.13)

DATE: AUGUST 20, 2023


DEVOTIONAL READING: Revelation 22:1-7

LESSON SCRIPTURE: Revelation 22:1-7


Water is life. It is very important in meeting human needs of regulating body temperature and maintaining good health. Water is a necessity of life for human survival. It is a symbol of spiritual and emotional cleansing. In the previous lesson, we discussed John’s vision of the new Jerusalem and its beauty. Today, we shall be discussing the water that flowed from beneath the temple in new Jerusalem. The new city will be characterized by The River that flows directly from the throne of God. In this new abode, the presence of God will be manifested in such a way that there will be no lack of anything needed to sustain life.


A. The River of the Water of Life (Revelation 22:1-2)

As John concludes his vision about the new Jerusalem and the new earth, the angel also showed him the river of the water of life, which was described in verses 1-2. The river is “sparkling like crystal flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb down the middle of the road of the city. The tree of life was on both sides of the river. It produces 12 kinds of fruits every month. The leaves of the tree are for healing the nations”. The fact that the leaves of the tree are for healing of the nations implies that God’s mercy extends to every nation, tribe and race. The tree and the River of life are both symbols of eternal life, which Jesus Christ brings and fulfil the promise made to the faithful (Church in Revelation 2:7).


• What does the water of life symbolize?

• How does a person receive Christ’s offer of abundant life?

B. The Nature of the Throne of God. (Revelation 22:3-5)

The verses describe vividly the distinctive nature of the throne of God. In verse (3), the statement that “nothing owned in the city will be found anymore”. This statement can be interpreted as a warning for those who are rebellious against God as well as the assurance that only the faithful will dwell in the new Jerusalem which will be free from evil. Subsequently, this summarises the nature of the throne of God as: • a place where the Lamb of God dwells • a place of worship without barrier. • a place where we will see God face to face • a place where there will be no more night because God’s light will shine brightly. • a place where the King of Glory rules for ever and His Kingdom will have no end. • a place where saints will worship God face to face.


• Describe the nature of the throne

• What attitude is expected of believers anticipating to enter the new heaven?

C. The Promise of His Coming (Revelation 22:6-7)

As John’s vision finally came to an end, the angel spoke emphatically that the “words of God are true and can be trusted”. The reason being that God Himself has given His Spirit to the prophets and sent His angel to reveal to His servants the events that must happen soon (v.6) Jesus Himself announced His coming. He also pronounced His blessing on those who will obey the prophetic words in the book (v.7). He said, “I am coming soon” which indicates the urgency and imminence of His second coming to judge and reward His people.


• Discuss the significance of Jesus’ second coming

• What is the nature of Jesus’ reward when He comes?

Points to Note from the Lesson

• Water is a symbol for spiritual and emotional cleansing.

• There is no darkness in the throne of God

• Jesus is coming soon

Memory Verse:

“Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.” Revelation 22:1

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