OUR SAVIOUR'S CHAPEL,DELSU,ABRAKA Our Motto: Towards Maturity in Christ (Eph 4.13)




LESSON SCRIPTURE: Genesis 12:1-5, 15:7-17


Today’s lesson centres on a man who the scripture (Bible) records as the father of faith. He heard God’s call many times and in the calls God gave a promise. A promise is self defined farm or will which is to come upon or to be bestowed on individual after fulfilment or positive response to instruction or command. When a promise is made between a person and a higher body it is regarded as a covenant. So, God made a covenant with Abram. Covenants are usually stamped with remarkable feature. This was circumcision of Abram. God asked Abram to go to a land which was not known to Abram. He obeyed and moved on in faith.


A. The Response of Abraham

God called Abram out of his family to start a new family distinct from the existing one even to live in a place that is unknown to Abram. Probably to allay fears, God made him some promises. 1. To build from him a great nation with blessings. 2. To make his name a great one and blessing to other people. 3. To bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him. 4. Bless all people of the earth through him. Abram obeyed God with all his belonging, by leaving his kin men and women at the age of seventy-five. Imagine you going to unknown place to live at the age of seventy-five; yet Abram obeyed, without considering his possessions. The response of Abram without question earned Abraham the title of father of faith as his obedience was based on the faith he had in God. This faith brought salvation to mankind through Jesus Christ.


• What are the benefits we enjoy now as a result of Abraham’s obedience?

• Why do people hesitate to respond to call to serve Jesus?

• If you are called to serve, will you leave your holdings?

B. Promises

When God calls you, he makes provisions and reminds you of the past. God keeps his promises made as a commitment and constantly remind the individual things he thinks that God has forgotten.
1. Inheritance (12:2-3)
2. Influence (12:2)
3. Insurance (12:3)
Abram’s vision came when he fell asleep at sunset, gripped with fear and terror. In the dream God revealed all his promises to him and Abram believed God.


• How should we celebrate the fulfilment of Gods promises?

• Can a Christian respond to God’s promise that is yet to come?

Points to Note from the Lesson

• God can single you or anyone out.

• When God promise, he fulfils.

• Faith is needed to see God’s promise fulfilled.

Memory Verse:

“And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith.” Genesis 15:6.

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