OUR SAVIOUR'S CHAPEL,DELSU,ABRAKA Our Motto: Towards Maturity in Christ (Eph 4.13)




LESSON SCRIPTURE: Genesis 25:19-34


In all human homes, siblings exhibit rivalry. This could emanate from strength, intelligence, social preferences, and authority based on seniority. In some homes this could be a serious problem. Rivalry could also be caused by parents. In the scripture informed such as that of Isaac and Rebekah – Esau and Jacob, Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ishmael and Joseph and his brothers. Today will be focusing on two brothers in a family whose parents waited for a long time without child or children.


A. Isaac and Rebekah

Isaac got married to Rebekah when he was forty (40) years old and they married without a child for about (20) twenty years. Isaac a more matured person believed God and prayed to Him for children. God answered Isaac’s prayer. God is the only person that can give children (Psalm 127:3). Eventually Rebekah becomes pregnant of twin children. As consistent with women, Rebekah made inquiry of the Lord about her children. The Lord revealed rivalry (V23) from the passage, two things were clear, 1. Isaac recognized that children come from God and prayed to him for solution. 2. Rebekah was focused on God and made inquiries of him rather than other sources. Staying without children over a long time after marriage could be frustrating and agonizing. However, Isaac and Rebekah waited focusing on God for his appointed time.


• What are the behaviour of some men when their wives are yet to give birth after a long time of marriage?

• What is the lesson from the passage?

• How can Christians know the plan of God?

B. The Birth of Esau and Jacob

At the appointed time, Rebekah gave birth to twins according to the promises of God. The children came out in the manner that had been foretold with one holding the heel of the brother and was named Jacob. In the bible Esau was recorded as a skillful hunter but Jacob was a quiet person loving home and consequently preferred by the mother. Isaac loved Esau because he brings game which their father has taken interest in eating. The rivalry started from the womb as set up by God and perpetuated by their parents by each having a favourite.


• How can we avoid rivalry among our children (avoiding the mistakes of Isaac and Rebekah)

• What are probable effects of rivalry amongst children supported by parents in the family?

C. Esau Despised His Birthright (Gen 25:29-34)

The divided love between Esau and Jacob found expression when Esau was hungry-what an opportunity. Esau was hungry and needed food which the brother would have given out freely but, he placed a condition which the brother fell to easily. Instead, he stated a condition which the brother deliberately agreed to accept; his birth right – to be his senior (v31). Esau consented because of appetite. Esau may have exaggerated his condition – I am about to die. What good is the birth right to me? However, this was to bring the Lord’s prophecy to pass.


• What are your life values?

• What measures do you take to protect the values you have; especially the ones given to you by God.

• Which of your siblings has your father or mother affection?

• How has this affection been affecting your family?

Points to Note from the Lesson

• God is the giver of children

• Our decisions/choice can make or mar us.

Memory Verse:

But the two children struggled with each other in her womb so she went to the Lord about it. Genesis 25:22.

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