OUR SAVIOUR'S CHAPEL,DELSU,ABRAKA Our Motto: Towards Maturity in Christ (Eph 4.13)



DEVOTIONAL READING: Romans: 11:25-32

LESSON SCRIPTURE: Genesis 32:22-32


Naming is usually a practice by human over the ages. Biblically, naming could be traced to the first assignment given by God to man in the Garden of Eden. God presented things to Adam and asked him to name them (Genesis 2:19-23). For some people, name is to distinguish one object from the other while to others it is mark of events or circumstance or situation of things even a wish. Sarai, to Sarah (Genesis 17:15) God also changed Abram to Abraham. (Genesis 17:5). The name Jacob means usurper. He lived with that name and collected the brother’s birth right. He was not comfortable and there was need for reconciliation. He needed to approach the brother, but a discussion needed to be made. In the process, God came into his spirit (an encounter). The Spirit of God prevailed. The experience resulting from the encounter changed his name from Jacob (stopping him from being a usurper) to enabling him to reconcile with the brother.


A. Jacob’s Encounter With God (Genesis 32:22-26)

Jacob ran away from his family where Esau was for fear of being killed. He became a fugitive by running to another man’s land. Realizing the enormity of his guilt Jacob sent people with gifts to pacify his brother. The night encounter with God was fierce struggle that the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was dislocated. However, Jacob told him, I will not let you go unless you bless me. Note worthy are that (1) the struggle was for the whole night. (2) Jacob recognized that the person would not have been ordinary man. The experience changed Jacob state to a new person with a new name and a new relationship with God. The struggle reminds us that God is ever present with us irrespective of the situation and that he will always prevail. Therefore, we should trust him and cast all cares upon him.


• How do we reconcile with the person we have offended?

• What would have given Jacob the power to stand the struggle?

B. Jacob Name Change (Genesis 32:27-32)

Jacob fought with the Spirit being throughout the night. The Spirit dislocated his thigh and hence prevailed. A remarkable question was from the spirit, asking him his name. Jacob mentioned his name. Jacob insisted on knowing the name of the man he struggled with; his request was not granted. Jacob called the place Peniel meaning I saw God face to face and yet my life was spared. The encounter changed Jacob’s life and hence renamed Israel as he won the struggle. The injury inflicted on Jacob later Israel is the reason why the descendants of Israel do not eat the tendon of the hip of farm animals.


• What names are you or your brother/sister bearing? How has it affected the life of the individual (either positively or negatively).

• What effect is the name of family you know affecting them (their descendants).

Points to Note from the Lesson

• We should know the kind of names we give to our children.

• God is ever present with us irrespective of our struggles.

Memory Verse:

“Then the man said; let me go, for the dawn is breaking. But Jacob said, I will not let you go unless you bless me.” Genesis 32:26.

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