OUR SAVIOUR'S CHAPEL,DELSU,ABRAKA Our Motto: Towards Maturity in Christ (Eph 4.13)



DEVOTIONAL READING: Numbers 24:2-9, 15-17

LESSON SCRIPTURE: Genesis 35:22-26, 38:24-49, 49:10-12


Traditionally, people pray to die in the hands or presence of their children. Children likewise expect to hear from their father before given up the ghost. Sometimes elders call their children and address them when they feel the clock is ticking fast. During such session lasting words, blessings and sometimes secrets are let out. Fathers and mothers give blessings of varying types and property to their children, depending on the relationship maintained. Jacob had a similar situation with the children born to him by Rachael, and the two concubines – Bilhah and Zilpah. These women had twelve sons which now form the twelve tribes of Israel. Reuben happens to be the first son and is expected to receive a greater portion of the blessing; but he slept with the father’s wife and lost the right of honour of succession to his junior brother Judah. Tamar – a disguised temple prostitute committed sin with Judah. Judah could not deny but had to confess the truth as there were evidence.
As Christians we should not tell lies or attempt to shift blames when we go wrong. Rather we should accept wrongs and tender apology.


A. Jacob Bless Judah

Punishment for sin can be delayed but not cleared without Christ even between humans. The sin of Reuben returned when the father was to depart the world. It was at a time the father wrote his will (Genesis 49:8-11). He blessed all the children and when he got to Reuben he reminded him of his act against him. Christians should always remember that what you sow is what you reap.


• Should Reuben have been forgiven?

• Is bridal inheritance practiced in your culture?

• What is the penalty for somebody who goes contrary to the law?

B. Jacob Returns to Bethel (Genesis 35:1-10)

Jacob settled in Canaan and set up a camp close to the city but was asked by God to move to Bethel where he builds a memorial stone (Genesis 35:9-15). While the father and his son Reuben were living together in Bethlehem, Reuben had sexual knowledge of the wife Billah. Billah could have been Reuben wife at the demise of his father Jacob. Inheriting father’s wife is practiced in Jewish culture and it is applicable in Nigeria, only Reuben was in a haste thereby committed sin. We should be careful about relationship. Some could be such that the person may not be alive to narrate the experience also it could lead to loss of one’s blessing.


• How do we reduce sexual sin in the (Christian) body of Christ?

• How do we counsel those involved in immoral sin?

• How do we control these sins in the society and family?

Judah’s Sincere Reference

Kin is an aged practice, but a process has to be followed. Judah accepted his wrong by sleeping with his daughter in-law.

Points to Note from the Lesson

• As Christians, we should be truthful.

• We should learn how to accept our wrongs and tender apology where necessary.

Memory Verse:

“I see him, but not here and now. I perceive him, but far in the distant future. A star will rise from Jacob; a scepter will emerge from Israel.” Numbers 24:17.

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